Project ELEVATE faculty member Professor Ana Torres received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER grant for her research in circular economies (CEs)

Career Award - Ana Ines Torres

Congratulations to Project ELEVATE faculty member Professor Ana Torres for receiving the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER grant for her research in circular economies (CEs)! Ana Inés Torres, assistant professor in Chemical Engineering, was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER grant for her research in circular economies (CEs). The five-year grant will help Torres […]

2024 Summer Retreat

2024 Summer Retreat Flyer

Please join us for the 2024 annual Project ELEVATE Summer Retreat. Event Date & Time: 9 AM Thursday, June 6 – 3 PM Friday, June 7 At this event participants will: View Event Flyer (PDF)

National Science Foundation ; Award Abstract # 2149899

ELEVATE Team Logos for Blog

Collaborative Research: AGEP FC-PAM: Project ELEVATE (Equity-focused Launch to Empower and Value AGEP Faculty to Thrive in Engineering) Abstract​ Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins University, and New York’University will work as an Alliance team to develop a model to promote’the equitable advancement of early career tenure-stream engineering’faculty from populations of interest to the AGEP program. […]

Board 238: Collaborative Research: AGEP FC-PAM: Project ELEVATE (Equity-focused Launch to Empower and Value AGEP Faculty to Thrive in Engineering)

ASEE 2023 Conference Blog Photo

Dr. Alaine M Allen, Carnegie Mellon UniversityDr. Alaine M. Allen is an educator who intentionally works to uplift the voices of and create opportunities for individuals from groups historically marginalized in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) environments. She currently serve Darlene Saporu Elisa Riedo Shelley L Anna Dr. Linda DeAngelo, University of PittsburghLinda DeAngelo […]

Making Waves to Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the STEM Professoriate

NSF AGEP Conference Blog Photo

November 2-4, Corpus Christi Texas The Project ELEVATE team traveled to TX in November 2022  to meet other NSF AGEP awardees and learn about the AGEP program. The 2022 AGEP National Research Conference will advance knowledge and understanding of models and best practices to improve pathways to the professoriate and success for historically underrepresented […]

CMU to lead alliance to explore equitable career advancement in higher ed

Blog Photo of Students walking around CMU

Carnegie Mellon University will lead an alliance to develop a new careeradvancement model, Project ELEVATE, through the Alliances for GraduateEducation and the Professoriate (AGEP), with Johns Hopkins University andNew York University also part of the team. Carnegie Mellon University will lead an alliance to develop a new career advancement model, Project ELEVATE,through the Alliances for […]

Collaborative Research: AGEP FC-PAM: Project ELEVATE (Equity-focusedLaunch to Empower and Value AGEP Faculty to Thrive in Engineering)

NSF Logo

NSF Award Abstract # 2149899 Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins University, and New York University will work as an Alliance team to develop a model to promote the equitable advancement of early career tenure-stream engineering faculty from populations of interest to the AGEP program. The goal of this AGEP Faculty Career Pathways Alliance Model (FCPAM) […]

Elevating Equity in Faculty Advancement

Supported by a $3 million national science foundation grant, experts at Johns Hopkins, New York, and Carnegie Mellon Universities are developing a model for institutional change that not only supports equitable advancement and support of faculty from groups underrepresented in engineering, but that other peer institutions also can customize and use. Project ELEVATE (Equity-focused Launch […]